Alcohol License Surveys in Marietta, GA
All restaurants, stores, bars, clubs, and lounges operating in Marietta, GA must have a Marietta alcohol license in order to sell alcoholic beverages to their customers. In Georgia, you are required to have three types of licenses/permits to sell alcohol:
- A local alcohol license
- A state alcohol license
- A Federal Basic Permit
There are also many different types of licenses you may be required to get depending on your business. For instance, a brewpub requires different permits/licenses than a farm winery. It also depends on what kind of alcohol you are selling, such as beer, hard ciders, distilled spirits, fortified wine, etc. For more information about alcohol licenses in Georgia, you can visit the website.
Needless to say, the process of obtaining an alcohol license on your own can be pretty difficult. But don’t worry, Boundary Zone is here to help.
Get Your Marietta Alcohol License
Boundary Zone has been assisting local businesses to attain their alcohol licenses in Marietta, GA for years.
Alcohol licenses are issued by municipalities such as a county or city. Georgia has over 600 municipalities—each one having its own codes and regulations regarding the sale of alcohol. We are very familiar with these rules and have helped businesses all over Marietta and other parts of metro Atlanta obtain their alcohol permit.
Just in the past few years, we have helped over 500 businesses attain their alcohol permits. We promise our customers prompt and professional alcohol surveys. With the expertise and experience of our staff, we know that you’ll be pleased with our service.
Contact Boundary Zone Today
Contact Boundary Zone today to schedule your alcohol survey. Just give us a call at 770-271-5772 or go to our contact page to fill out our contact form. After you submit your contact request, we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.